The Ultimate Blog Content Audit Checklist

Why and when to do a blog content audit

Have you regularly published new blogs on your website for at least 12 months?

If the answer is yes, you should consider conducting a thorough content audit to avoid facing issues like keyword cannibalization, thin content, and outdated content — all of which can be detrimental to your website’s organic rankings.

This is why we’ve put together the Ultimate Blog Content Audit Checklist to ensure your blog content is optimized and in tip-top shape.

Step 1

Traffic Data

We recommend using Google Search Console to find out which blog articles generated qualified, organic visits in the past 12 months.

Google Search Console > Performance > Search results
Search type: Web
Date: Last 12 months
Select: Total clicks, Total impressions, Average CTR,

 Average position

Structure: Keep the “Pages” tab only. Delete the others
Step 2

Backlink Data

We recommend using Ahrefs to find out which articles have links from other websites (aka. backlinks) pointing to them.

Ahrefs > Add your URL to the search bar > Hit search
Pages > Best by links
Filter only your blog pages
Import your backlink data into a new tab of the same spreadsheet

as your Traffic and Backlink data

Step 3

Keyword Data

Again, we recommend using Ahrefs  for this step.

Ahrefs > Add your URL to the search bar > Hit search
Organic search > Organic keywords
Filter blog pages only
Import your keyword data into a new tab of the same spreadsheet

 as your Traffic data

Step 4

Putting It All Together

In this final step, we’ll show you how to analyze all the data you’ve collected.

Open to the “Pages” tab of your spreadsheet

 [Google Search Console export]

Filter only blog pages
Copy the filtered results in a new tab called “Analysis”

It’s time to make an inventory of each page’s backlink count.

Name column F of your Analysis spreadsheet, “Referring Domain”
In cell F2 of the Analysis tab, use the VLOOKUP formula to retrieve

a number of referring domains for each page from the Backlinks tab.

Formula: =VLOOKUP(A2,Backlinks!C:E,3,0)
Drag the formula to the bottom
Retrieve the primary keyword each blog page is currently

ranking for and input into column G of your Analysis spreadsheet.

Name the column “Keyword.”

Go to the Keywords tab and move the “Current URL” column [P]

to the very left in column A. This is necessary to successfully

retrieve the keyword with the use of the VLOOKUP formula.

Go back to the Analysis tab and in cell G2 and use the VLOOKUP

formula to retrieve the primary keyword each blog page ranks for.

Formula: =VLOOKUP(A2,Keywords!A:B,2,0)
Drag the formula to the bottom

Voila! You now have all the data you need to start analyzing your blog page and decide which one to keep, which one to merge, and which one to delete instead.

For more hands-on help from the Pronto team, book a free meeting with a Pronto advisor.

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