Submit a Support Request

Review our guidelines and options for submitting your website support request. For urgent requests, please use our live chat.
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Submit a ticket through our client portal

  1. Log into our Client Portal
  2. Click on Support
  3. Click on Submit a Request

7 ways you can help us help you!

7ways help you

Add a summary of your request in the subject line, so we can quickly see what is needed for your ticket.

Here are some great examples:

  • Add blog post on June 5th
  • Create 3 new location pages
  • Pre-Production Planning
  • Renew SSL certificate
  • Update my Google listing
  • Change billing address

Add a summary of your request in the subject line, so we can quickly see what is needed for your ticket.

Here are some great examples:

  • Add blog post on June 5th
  • Create 3 new location pages
  • Pre-Production Planning
  • Renew SSL certificate
  • Update my Google listing
  • Change billing address

Clear, concise, direct language is best.

The WHAT, WHERE, and WHY are most important.

A good example:

WHAT: Add the attached eBook image with a download form WHERE: at the top of the of the ‘Cybersecurity’ page WHY: for our Halloween promotion

An unclear example:

“Promote this eBook on the security page ASAP.”

Letting us know the objective e.g. “Halloween promotion” can help us understand the background of your request and even make suggestions where available!

Providing specific page URLs and identifying the section/area of the page you want to adjust will help us quickly make the change in the right place.
We welcome any reference websites or examples you have for your requests. These can help us see the exact style you’d like for content or design, which is easier than trying to explain with words!

A picture is worth a thousand words! A screenshot of your request can help us quickly visualize what you’d like and where.

You can also use tools like Loom to record videos of your screen, to explain what you want, or any issues you see.

Be sure to let us know if you have the right permissions for any images/videos you send for your site. Using images found for free online can lead to copyright violations and a website being taken down or even fined. To be safe, you can browse for images you’d like on iStock and send us the links so we can download them for you with all the right licenses.
Your opinion plays a big part in how we adjust our service to improve overall quality and satisfaction for our clients. Please share your thoughts by rating your tickets and leaving a comment via our ticket satisfaction survey!

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