Add beautiful, engaging discussions to your Pronto website with Disqus Comments


Disqus is a powerful social commenting system trusted by some of the most popular websites on the web like CNN, Time,, and is now available for your blog.

Highlighted Features Include:

  • Frictionless experience – Disqus is designed to be easy to use for both commenters and readers with powerful features for the both to keep the conversation rich and interesting.
  • Quality discussions – Reputation-based algorithms mean that there’s less work for site admins because communities are enabled with more power to self-moderate. Moderators also have powerful tools to make it easier to moderate conversations and keep them going the right direction.
  • Voting – Disqus encourages richer discussions to form by letting the community surface the best comments.
  • Social login – Use popular social media accounts to join the discussion.
  • Social sharing – Allow users to easily share any comment or discussion thread to their favorite social network. Sharing directs new referral traffic directly back to your site.
  • Reactions – Discussions around your content happens all over the web. Disqus finds these conversations from Twitter and pulls them into the discussion on your website.
  • Social tagging – With @mentions, easily include others in on your discussion. Mentioned people are notified and encouraged to join your community.


Watch the video

If you’re an existing Pronto client and want to add Disqus to your website, follow these steps to get started:

  1. Register your Site and Create an Account as the Primary Moderator – Disqus Sign Up
  2. Send your username and password to us in a new ticket and we’ll do the rest.

Happy commenting!

Alex Phelps


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