How to secure your website from malware


Websites have become one of the most important tools in today’s world, and most companies can hardly operate without the Internet. This ultimate communication tool has helped various organizations reach out to their target market and expand their reach at an unprecedented rate. But even with such a great resource, there are concerns about website and data security that various enterprises are trying to deal with. Fortunately, SSL is helping many to guard against online threats.

SSL Certificates and Encryption

SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, is a technology that encrypts the link between a particular server and the client. That means you will be able to protect sensitive information like login credentials, credit card numbers, and social security numbers from being accessed by unauthorized individuals.

When you send information from a browser or server, the transmission is in the form of plain text. This is very dangerous because anyone seeking to hack your site will be able to intercept these documents and interpret the details. This could allow malware to easily penetrate your website, which without the proper countermeasures might lead to site crashes.

SSL is a security protocol that encrypts data and adds an extra layer of security to your website. Therefore, data and links in-transit don’t go without verification. There are various transactions and confidential details that pass over the Internet on a daily basis. These details are quite sensitive, and protection is paramount against online threats, which is why one should invest in SSL. Sites with this security feature will have a green address bar with an SSL-secured site as an extension; alternatively, a lock icon might just represent it. Sites with SSL also begin with ‘https’ rather than the traditional ‘http’.

Browsers can interact with web servers protected by SSL protocol, but the important thing to note is that both the server and the browser should have an SSL certificate for a secure connection. Normally, these certificates have a private and public key, which establishes the connection with encryption.

Users can create their own certificate, but it has to be authorized by a trusted CA organization. The good thing is that all browsers have a list of these companies to help them choose the best. One of the unique features of an SSL certificate is that it is signed digitally by DigiCert, a renowned CA provider.

When using SSL, the browser and web server perform what is known as the “SSL Handshake,” where the session, public, and private keys help encrypt and decrypt data. This process takes place instantly to secure an online connection with minimal latency.

Some of the benefits of SSL certification include:

  • Access to a variety of security products
  • Being able to work with committed staff as you enjoy premium account management
  • Access to support around the clock
  • Reasonable prices

It will cost you and your enterprise dearly if you fail to establish appropriate security measures on your site. Anyone who accesses sensitive details from your company can leverage them against your business, which is why SSL security is protection worth investing in.


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