5 Pitfalls of Social Media Marketing


Social media has rocketed to prominence as the one of the main marketing tools for companies. It’s especially valuable to small businesses as it’s a way for them to connect with customers while tapping into a large potential client base. The only problem with social media is that it’s a full time job to maintain or grow your presence. Many managers simply don’t have that time, and end up establishing an ineffective platform.

Here are five common mistakes companies make with their social media:

1. Conformity
Many companies strive to find a way to differentiate themselves and their products from competitors. As social media is a form of marketing, you should differentiate here as well. When a new social media service is introduced, companies often feel obligated to sign up straight away. It’s important to ask yourself, “Will it help me reach my target market or help me deliver my message?” If the answer is anything less than 100% yes, it’s probably best to focus on other services.

2. No social media road map
A business without a plan isn’t going to survive. This is well known by anyone in business and should apply to all aspects of your business, including social media. Many companies don’t establish and follow a plan for their social media, which could lead to a highly ineffective online presence. You should set a calendar of when you’re going to post updates and what the updates will contain. The plan should be for at least three to six months, with monthly reviews to ensure it’s on track.

3. No engagement/interaction
A plan and a great looking profile are useless unless they’re properly leveraged. Social media is not a one way communication tool. You should have content that will allow you to engage your customers while promoting two way communication. If your customers reach out to you, you should make an effort to respond to them. This will go a long way in creating a lasting relationship.

4. Unrealistic expectations
We have come to expect things to happen instantly, but this is unrealistic for social media. An established presence won’t appear overnight, you need to work on it and be patient. There are very few short term benefits to social media.


5. Social media isn’t free
While the major social media platforms are free to join, you’ll need to invest in them to ensure their success. This will normally mean hiring a fulltime employee to maintain your presence and develop content. If your business is like almost every other small business, you don’t have the budget for another employee. If that’s the case, you could hire a company that specializes in Internet presence to help manage your social media campaigns.

Beyond that, you could also use a tool like Hootsuite Pro. An all-in-one social media management platform that allows you to manage and analyze your social media profiles through a Web or mobile browser.

There are many positive benefits to a well leveraged social media platform. If you’re looking to increase your presence online but are unsure of how to do it, please contact us. We’re ready to help you.


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