If you understand the potential that is in the internet to market and grow your business, then you should be pulling all the stops to make maximum use of it. Your website should be user-friendly; attractive, accurate, interesting and easy to navigate.
One of the tried and tested strategies for achieving this is with unique landing pages. They can increase your conversion rate and bottom line significantly.
Why a landing page makes such a difference
Targeted landing pages help you to sell by taking your marketing endeavours further; they take visitors past the homepage and onto a page about specific products or services for them where they can request more information, download an ebook or case study, or register to subscribe to a newsletter.
When you send traffic from a marketing campaign to a landing page on your site, you streamline the process of moving a prospect further down your sales funnel. And by funnelling visitors to a single page, you can get more granular with you analysis of the campaign to find weak areas that need improvement.
For example, you might find that people click on one of your advertisements but don’t submit the form once they arrive on your landing page. This allows you to narrow down the issue so you can take a closer look at aspects of the landing page like the CTA, required form fields and content.
What landing pages do for advertising and email marketing
Landing pages are often used to support PPC campaigns which are all about getting results from advertising and email campaigns which are all about focusing on a specific topic or action.
There is a difference though in that with PPC landing pages, the content and images must align with what you are promoting in the ad message for fast conversions. Using appropriate keywords throughout your landing page can have a direct impact on your AdWords Quality Score which in turn has an impact on how much you pay per click.
Landing pages for email campaigns still need to have cohesive messaging between the content in the email and the content on the page, but using the exactly keywords isn’t as nearly as important here as it is with a PPC landing page.
One way to organize the copy on your landing pages is with the AIDA content-writing approach. AIDA represents Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. You can also choose the Problem-Agitate-Solution approach where you talk about the problem, why it should be tackled right away and then introduce your offering as the best solution.
Either way, before writing the content of your landing pages, you should spend some time thinking about the problems your potential customers face, how you can resolve those problems for them and how to best draw them towards the action you want them to complete on the landing page.
Your landing page optimization checklist
Here’s a quick checklist to follow when building your landing page:
- Write a headline that uses action words. If your landing page will be for a PPC campaign, make sure the headline also includes keywords from the ad sending traffic to it.
- Make sure the body of your content is easily scannable and contains the primary benefits of your product or service.
- Use images and videos to help bring points home and hold attention.
- Make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly. This is especially important for email campaigns since many visitors’ first interaction with your email will be through their phone.
- If appropriate, remove the top navigation menu from the page to stop visitors from wandering to other pages on your site.
- Write a strong call to action that is straightforward but not overly aggressive and makes it clear what the visitor will receive.
- If you have certifications, association memberships and seals, add their logos to increase your credibility. Reviews from satisfied clients and links to independent consumer reviews also increase credibility.
- Remove any unnecessary fields from your contact form.
- Ensure social media sharing buttons are clearly visible to encourage browsers to spread the word about you.
- Double check that the form, thank you page, autoresponders and any downloadable content work correctly.
You can do it!
Get these elements right and you will have aced your landing pages. Never sit back though; keep tweaking your content and investing in PPC to keep them optimized.
Read our Ultimate Google Ads Checklist
If you need help with setting up and managing your Google Ads campaigns, we’re here to help you save time and do it right.