Successful Internet marketing without a solid website?


There are tons of different ways to conduct Internet marketing including mediums like Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites. You can also market on forums and other online gathering places. If you want to truly succeed with Internet marketing however, you’ll need your own online real estate – a place where people can find out more about you and see that you’re a real business. That’s right, you need a website. This website needs to be effective at attracting traffic via search engines and at converting visitors into leads or customers.

Facebook has changed the way Internet marketing is conducted. So much so that some companies who do TV commercials don’t even list their own website at the end of the commercial. They simply direct people to their Facebook page as getting people to ‘like’ them or follow them can be valuable due to the potential of long-term and repeat sales.

This is because of the interactive nature of Facebook. It can help you do a whole lot of marketing and can have some significant benefits. But what if people want to learn more? What if they’re ready to buy? You don’t want to lose them when they land on your underwhelming website or e-commerce site.

Wherever you do your marketing, make sure you have a place to direct people to that both represents your company and is professional. This usually means a hosted website. The vast majority of the time, a free hosted blog or online profile is great to help you with marketing but it’s not enough to illustrate that you are a professional company. Creating a business website doesn’t have to cost you a fortune but it does need to be done with enough finesse that it doesn’t look like you are an amateur in your field.

Here are some tips that can help you get a website that looks not only looks great, but also helps generate business and convert leads leading to an enhanced bottom line:

  • Get your site professionally done. This is something worth investing in, as many website development companies have staff who are experts at website development, and will prove to be a valuable asset.
  • Make sure no page of your site is a dead end. Always try to get people to another page from within a page or to get them to opt-in to hearing from you in the future.
  • Have valuable information on every page. Create a good customer experience on your website, one that will entice them to return again and again.
  • Optimize every single page of your site for search engines. Don’t stop at the home page! This is going to mean some competitive analysis and some keyword research but it will pay off and bring you traffic. If you don’t know how to do Search Engine Optimization, (SEO), get some help.
  • Regularly review your site’s traffic reports to see where traffic comes from and how traffic reacts to each page. This way, you can strive to boost conversion rate on every page, and will be able to figure out pages that really capture interest, or drive it away.

Yes, there are many ways to do Internet marketing and it isn’t all done within the confines of your website. But a great website complements all of your online efforts and will help you attract new business without constant effort.

About the Author
Chris Jenkinson specializes in helping businesses launch and run successful Internet marketing campaigns. Learn more about him at


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